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Local Area Marketing
"We can go there anytime!" - a familiar phrase from a typical resident within 10 miles of your destination.
Local Area Marketing (LAM) involves identifying and implementing simple marketing opportunities in local communities by engaging positively with individuals, groups, organisations, businesses and local media - these can easily be done in-house.
Zoonet offer two additional innovative mixed media strategies.
Ad Bikes are eco–friendly, can access all parts of the local area and are extremely attention grabbing.
Our Ad Bikes are equipped with WIFI and Bluetooth capability. This means passers-by can be sent an instant message (up to a 200 meters range), with an image promoting your product or campaign.
Riders can easily stop to hand out leaflets.
Ad bikes / trailers are available to hire or purchase
The Zoo-Bus is Dr Mike's project, both an educational tool and a place for fun.
Downstairs is a collection of fascinating animals, many of which can be handled, while upstairs is a compact lecture theatre with audio visual facilities.where images from your zoo can be displayed on a 46 inch screen.
The Zoo-Bus is available for hire by zoos as a "preview" of the destination in the local area. Zoo staff can give out leaflets and bluetooth / wi-fi deployed to carry the message further.
Ad Bike Trailor with Bluetooth / Wi-Fi
Destination Preview with the Zoo Bus
Understand. communicate
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